[2024-11] Shovito has received the Outstanding Research Award at the Fall 2024 ASU Graduate Student Government (GSG) Awards Program.
[2024-11] Abdullah has received both the Outstanding Research Award and the Teaching Excellence Award at the Fall 2024 ASU Graduate Student Government (GSG) Awards Program.
[2024-11] Reza’s paper titled “Multimodal examination of daily stress rhythms in chronic Cannabis users” has been published in the journal of Psychopharmacology.
[2024-10] Shovito and Abdullah’s extended abstract titled “Domain-Informed Label Fusion Surpasses LLMs in Free-Living Activity Classification” has been accepted to the AAAI'25 conference for publication and presentation.
[2024-10] Asif received the IEEE BHI’24 NSF Student Travel Award.
[2024-10] Shovito’s abstract titled “Poster: Wearable-Based Real-time Freezing of Gait Detection in Parkinson’s Disease Using Self-Supervised Learning” got accepted at the IEEE-EMBS International Conference on Biomedical and Health Informatics (BHI’24).
[2024-10] Shovito received ASU Graduate Student Government (GSG; previously GPSA) Travel Grant for an Individual Travel award for the fiscal year 2024-2025.
[2024-9] Asif’s paper titled “GlyMan: Glycemic Management using Patient-Centric Counterfactuals” got accepted at the IEEE BHI’24.
[2024-9] Shovito received Graduate College 2024-25 Q2 Travel Grant to attend IEEE BHI’24.
[2024-9] Nooshin, Pegah, Saman, and Fatimah received the IEEE Student Travel Award for the BSN 2024 conference.
[2024-9] Pegah’s abstract titled “Poster: Glysigma: Personalized Glucose Forecasting Enhanced by Bayesian Optimization on CGM Data” got accepted at the IEEE-EMBS International Conference on Body Sensor Networks: NextGen Health: Sensor Innovation, AI, and Social Responsibility (IEEE BSN 2024).
[2024-9] Team HydroGuard (Lead: Shovito B. Soumma, Asiful Arefeen, Saanya Aroura, Jiaqian Lee, Chau Nguyen; Mentors: Dr. H. Ghasemzadeh, Dr. Stavros Kavouras) won the seed grant ($50,000) in the 2024 CHS Student Heat and Health Research Challenge. [News Article] [Pitch Fest Story] [Pictures].
[2024-8] Eric Junyoung Kim and Ebrahim Farahmand joined EMIL as new PhD students.
[2024-7] Nooshin’s paper titled “Wavelet-Augmented Self-Supervised Learning for Accurate Classification of Cognitive Workload” got accepted at the IEEE-EMBS International Conference on Body Sensor Networks: NextGen Health: Sensor Innovation, AI, and Social Responsibility (IEEE BSN 2024).
[2024-7] Fatimah’s abstract titled “Poster: HydraSense: Personalized Hydration Monitoring with Wearables and Machine Learning” got accepted at the IEEE-EMBS International Conference on Body Sensor Networks: NextGen Health: Sensor Innovation, AI, and Social Responsibility (IEEE BSN 2024). Fatimah Amer is a high school student who worked with EMIL as an ASU SCENE intern.
[2024-7] Ramesh’s paper titled “Minimum-Cost Channel Selection in Wearables” got accepted at the IEEE-EMBS International Conference on Body Sensor Networks: NextGen Health: Sensor Innovation, AI, and Social Responsibility (IEEE BSN 2024).
[2024-7] EMIL alum Dr. Mahdi Pedram joins the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at the University of North Texas as a tenure-track assistant professor
[2024-6] NSF-funded ExpandAI project aims to establish partnership between ASU and Institute for Foundations of Machine Learning on projects that address fundamental challenges of robust/interactive/embedded machine learning in pervasive systems. Read more here ASU News
[2024-6] Shovito and Asif’s proposal, “HydroGuard: AI-Based Smart Hydration Management for High-Risk Medical Conditions”, awarded pilot funding in the 2024 CHS Student Heat and Health Research Challenge.
[2024-5] Shovito’s abstract paper titled, “AI-Powered Detection of Freezing of Gait Using Wearable Sensor Data in Patients with Parkinson’s Disease” accepted at the International Congress of Parkinson’s Disease and Movement Disorders®, (MDS Congress 2024).
[2024-4] Congratulations to Ramesh Kumar Sah on successfully defending his PhD dissertation titled “Wearable Systems and Machine Learning for Affect Recognition and Interventions”. We wish Dr. Sah the best in his future endeavors.
[2024-1] Shovito received Graduate Research Support Program (GRSP) grant from ASU GPSA for Spring 2024 session.
[2024-1] Asif’s poster GlyCoach has won the best poster award on ASU College of Health Solutions Faculty Research Day. Congratulations!
[2024-1] Dr. Mostafa Mostafavi joined EMIL as a Postdoctoral Researcher. He obtained his PhD from Queen’s University in Canada and was a faculty member in Iran before joining EMIL.
[2024-1] Saman Khamesian joined EMIL as a PhD student.
[2024-1] Book chapter by Mahdi Pedram, Ramesh Sah, and Hassan Ghasemzadeh titled Efficient Sensing and Classification for Extended Battery Life was published in the Proceedings of Activity Recognition and Prediction for Smart IoT Environments. Edited by Raffaele Gravina and Antonella Guzzo for Springer 2024.
[2024-1] Adversarial Transferability in Embedded Sensor Systems: An Activity Recognition Perspective by Ramesh Sah and Hassan Ghasemzadeh accepted in ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems (TECS).
[2023-11] Asif received the NIH T32 Institutional Training Grant for AI in Precision Nutrition (AIPrN) Research.
[2023-11] Prisha received the Future Innovator of the Year (honorable mention) award at the Governor’s Celebration of Innovation for her project, GlucoseAssist. Congratulations, Prisha!
[2023-10] Abdullah and Reza received the IEEE Student Travel Award to attend IEEE BSN'23.
[2023-9] Prisha received the IEEE Student Travel Award to attend IEEE BSN'23.
[2023-9] Ramesh’s paper titled “Stress Monitoring in Free-Living Environments” got accepted at the IEEE Journal of Biomedical Health Informatics (JBHI).
[2023-8] EMIL alumnus Dr. Mahdi Pedram joins the School of Computing at DePaul University as an Assistant Professor. Congratulations to Mahdi!
[2023-8] Asif received NSF Student Travel Award to attend IEEE BHI'23.
[2023-8] Nooshin Taheri Chatrudi, Shovito Barua Soumma, and Pegah Khorasani joined EMIL as new PhD students.
[2023-7] Prisha’s paper titled “GlucoseAssist: Personalized Blood Glucose Level Predictions and Early Dysglycemia Detection” got accepted at the IEEE-EMBS International Conference on Body Sensor Networks: Sensor and Systems for Digital Health (BSN'23). Congratulations to her on this remarkable achievement at such a young age!
[2023-7] Reza’s paper titled “Personalized Modeling and Detection of Moments of Cannabis Use in Free-Living Environments” got accepted at the IEEE-EMBS International Conference on Body Sensor Networks: Sensor and Systems for Digital Health (BSN'23).
[2023-7] Abdullah’s paper titled “Neonatal Risk Modeling and Prediction” got accepted at the IEEE-EMBS International Conference on Body Sensor Networks: Sensor and Systems for Digital Health (BSN'23).
[2023-7] Asif’s paper titled “GlySim: Modeling and Simulating Glycemic Response for Behavioral Lifestyle Interventions” got accepted at the IEEE-EMBS International Conference on Biomedical and Health Informatics (BHI’23).
[2023-7] Asif’s paper titled “Inter-Beat Interval Estimation with Tiramisu Model: A Novel Approach with Reduced Error” got accepted at the ACM Health.
[2023-7] In collaboration with Mayo Clinic, EMIL has been awarded the 2023 Mayo Clinic and Arizona State University Alliance for Health Care - Collaborative Research Seed Grant titled “Machine Learning Design to Predict and Manage Postprandial Hyperglycemia in Patients with Type 1 Diabetes”
[2023-6] Parastoo’s paper titled Model-Agnostic Structural Transfer Learning for Cross-Domain Autonomous Activity Recognition got accepted at the Sensors Journal.
[2023-6] Asif received Garduate College University Grant from ASU again for 2023-2024 session.
[2023-5] Iman Mirzadeh has joined Apple as a Machine Learning Research Engineer. Congratulations, Dr. Mirzadeh.
[2023-5] Chia-Cheng (Charles) Kuo has joined Propersys Corporation as a Database Developer. Congratulations, Charles.
[2023-4] Congratulations to Asif for passing the Biomedical Informatics PhD Comprehensive Exam (Comp).
[2023-4] Abdullah Mamun was invited as a panelist for the AI for Good session at the Machine Learning Day 2023 at ASU West Campus. Slides, Pictures.
[2023-2] Congratulations to Prisha Shroff on winning the 1st place at the Junior Science and Humanities Symposium (JSHS). Prisha is a student of Hamilton High School – Chandler, AZ and an ASU SCENE (SCience and ENgineering Experience) fellow working in our lab. Read more: SCENE, JSHS, 2023 Arizona JSHS Winners. (A wrong project name was printed by mistake at the press release. The correct project name would be “GlucoseAssist: A Novel, Personalized, Early System for Prediction of Blood Glucose Levels, Postprandial Hyperglycemia and Reactive Hypoglycemia using Neural Networks.")
[2023-1] Reza Rahimi Azghan joined EMIL as a PhD student.
[2023-1] Ramesh Sah joined Samsung Research America (SRA) as a research intern.
[2022-9] Asif received NSF Student Travel Award to attend IEEE/ACM CHASE'22.
[2022-9] Abdullah’s paper, “Multimodal Time-Series Activity Forecasting for Adaptive Lifestyle Intervention Design,” has been awarded Honorable Mention at the Best Paper Award of the IEEE BSN 2022 conference in Ioannina, Greece.
[2022-9] Our journal titled “Use of Machine Learning to Predict Medication Adherence in Individuals at Risk for Atherosclerotic Cardiovascular Disease” got accepted at Elsevier Smart Health.
[2022-8] Chia-Cheng Kuo joined EMIL as an MS student.
[2022-8] Our paper titled “Computational Framework for Sequential Diet Recommendation: Integrating Linear Optimization and Clinical Domain Knowledge” got accepted at International Conference on Connected Health: Applications, Systems and Engineering Technologies (IEEE/ACM CHASE 2022).
[2022-7] Ramesh’s paper titled ADARP: A Multi Modal Dataset for Stress and Alcohol Relapse Quantification in Real Life Setting” got accepted at IEEE International Conference on Wearable and Implantable Body Sensor Networks (BSN 2022).
[2022-7] Our paper titled “Multimodal Time-Series Activity Forecasting for Adaptive Lifestyle Intervention Design” got accepted at IEEE International Conference on Wearable and Implantable Body Sensor Networks (BSN 2022).
[2022-7] Our paper titled “Forewarning Postprandial Hyperglycemia with Interpretations using Machine Learning” got accepted at IEEE International Conference on Wearable and Implantable Body Sensor Networks (BSN’22).
[2022-7] Our paper titled “On-Device Machine Learning for Diagnosis of Parkinson’s Disease from Hand Drawn Artifacts” got accepted at IEEE International Conference on Wearable and Implantable Body Sensor Networks (BSN’22).
[2022-7] Dr. Hassan and Ramesh were invited to give a talk about “Stress Monitoring in Real World” at 44th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC), 2022.
[2022-4] Congratulations to Mahdi for acceptance of his paper “Probabilistic Cascading Classifier for Energy-Efficient Activity Monitoring in Wearables” in IEEE Sensors Journal.
[2022-3] Ramesh’s “Stressalyzer: Convolutional Neural Network Framework for Personalized Stress Classification” paper accepted for publication at IEEE 44th International Engineering in Medicine and Biology Conference (EMBC 2022).
[2022-3] Our “Continual Learning for Activity Recognition” paper accepted for publication at IEEE 44th International Engineering in Medicine and Biology Conference (EMBC 2022).
[2022-3] Our paper titled “Designing Deep Neural Networks Robust to Sensor Failure in Mobile Health Environments” got accepted at IEEE 44th International Engineering in Medicine and Biology Conference (EMBC 2022).
[2022-3] Our paper titled “Boosting Lying Posture Classification with Transfer Learning” got accepted at IEEE 44th International Engineering in Medicine and Biology Conference (EMBC 2022).
[2022-3] Asif received Garduate College University Grant from ASU for 2022-2023 session.
- [2021-11] Congratulations to Mahdi on successfully defending his PhD dissertation. Dr. Pedram will join Northwestern University as a Postdoctoral Researcher in January 2022.
- [2021-10] Our paper titled “Comparing the Predictability of Sensor Modalities to Detect Stress from Wearable Sensor Data” accepted for oral presentation at IEEE Consumer Communications & Networking Conference (ICCNC 2022). Congratulations to our former REU student, Ryan, who serves as lead author on this paper.
- [2020-6] Two EMIL papers (one on continual learning and one on stress classification) have been accepted to the IEEE Body Sensor Networks (BSN'21) conference.
- [2021-6] Our work on “Associations between Physiological Signals and Self-Reported Outcomes among Patients in Alcohol Use Disorder Recovery” accepted for publication in Journal of Medical Internet Research (JMIR).
- [2021-4] Iman’s “CL-Gym: Full-Featured PyTorch Library for Continual Learning” paper accepted to the Workshop on Continual Learning in Computer Vision (CVPR 2021).
- [2021-4] Ramin’s transfer learning paper (“Personalized Activity Recognition using Partially Available Target Data”) accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing (TMC).
- [2021-4] Mahdi’s paper on beverage intake tracking (“LIDS: Mobile System to Monitor Type and Volume of Liquid Intake”) accepted to IEEE Sensors Journal (JSEN).
- [2021-1] Abdullah Mamun joined EMIL as a PhD student.
- [2021-1] Our paper “Linear Mode Connectivity in Multitask and Continual Learning” has been accepted to ICLR 2021 (acceptance rate 26.5%).
- [2020-10] Our paper entitled “ParaLabel: Autonomous Parameter Learning for Cross-Domain Step Counting in Wearable Sensors” has been selected as a Featured Article in Issue 23 of IEEE Sensors Journal.
- [2020-9] Our work titled “Understanding the Role of Training Regimes in Continual Learning”, has been accepted to NeurIPS 2020 (acceptance rate 20.0%).
- [2020-9] Paper on Wearable Assistive Technology for Hemianopic Stroke Patients received Best Wearables Note Award at UbiComp/ISWC 2020.
- [2020-8] Submission website for PerHealth 2021 (IEEE PerCom International workshop on Pervasive Health Technologies) is now open!.
- [2020-7] Our paper with UCLA and CSULA on Wearable Assistive Technology for Hemianopic Stroke Patients accepted to International Symposium on Wearable Computers (ISWC 2020).
- [2020-7] TransNet paper accepted for publication in ACM Transactions on Design Automation of Electronic Systems (TODAES).
- [2020-7] Yuchao’s ‘‘Transfer Learning for Activity Recognition in Mobile Health’’ paper accepted (oral presentation) to KDD 2020 Workshop on Applied Data Science for Healthcare (DSHealth2020).
- [2020-7] Iman’s ‘‘Understanding the Roel of Training Regimes in Continual Learning’' paper accepted to the ICML 2020 Workshop on Continual Learning.
- [2020-6] Parastoo’s ‘‘ParaLabel: Autonomous Parameter Learning for Cross-Domain Step Counting in Wearable Sensors’' accepted for publication in IEEE Sensors Journal (JSEN).
- [2020-6] Iman’s ‘‘Dropout as an Implicit Gating Mechanism For Continual Learning’' paper received runner-up award for the CVPR 2020 Workshop on Continual Learning.
- [2020-6] Zhila’s ‘‘Memory-Aware Active Learning in Mobile Sensing Systems’' paper accepted to the IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing (TMC).
- [2020-5] Iman’s ‘‘Dropout as an Implicit Gating Mechanism For Continual Learning’' accepted (oral presentation) to the CVPR continual learning workshop.
- [2020-5] Marjan’s ‘‘Proximity-Based Active Learning for Eating Moment Recognition in WearableSystems" accepted to ACM Workshop on Wearable Systems and Applications (WearSys 2020).
- [2020-4] Iman’s ‘‘Optimal Deployment Policy for Machine Learning Models’' paper accepted to IJCAI 2020 (acceptance rate 12.6%).
- [2020-4] Congratulations to Parastoo on successfully defending his PhD dissertation.
- [2020-4] Iman’s ‘‘Dropout as an Implicit Gating Mechanism For Continual Learning’' paper accepted for CVPR 2020 Workshops.
- [2020-2] Niloofar’s “Human-in-the-loop Learning for Personalized Diet Monitoring from Unstructured Mobile Data” paper has been selected as one of the three 2019 best paper candidates and received an honorable mention by the ACM TiiS journal.
- [2020-1] EMIL has a new website!
- [2019-11] Iman’s “Improved Knowledge Distillation” paper accepted to AAAI 2020 (acceptance rate 20.6%). Congratulations to Iman and the team!
- [2019-11] Project from our REU program featured in WSU VCEA News.
- [2019-10] Congratulations to Niloofar for successfully defending her PhD dissertation. Dr. Hezarjaribi is working at Microsoft.
- [2019-10] Congratulations to Iman for passing the Computer Science PhD Qualifying Exam (QE) and advancing to the AGS (Advanced Graduate Standing) status.
- [2019-10] Congratulations to Zhila for successfully defending her Master’s thesis on mindful active learning.
- [2019-09] Our CPS project on human-in-the-loop learning funded by the National Science Foundation. Thanks NSF!
- [2019-07] Congratulations to Marjan on successfully defending her Masters thesis.
- [2019-07] Congratulations to Mahdi on successfully passing his PhD Prelim exam.
- [2019-06] Niloofar’s human-in-the-loop nutrition monitoring paper accepted for publication in ACM TiiS.
- [2019-06] Ramesh’s adversarial activity recognition paper accepted to ICCAD 2019.
- [2019-05] Zhila’s active learning paper accepted to IJCAI 2019 (acceptance rate 17.9%).
- [2019-03] Hassan wins 2019 GPSA Academic Advisor Excellence Award.
- [2019-03] Our NSF REU program accepting applications for Summer 2019.
- [2019-03] Ali’s Share-n-Learn paper accepted for publication in ACM TODAES.
- [2019-02] Our NSF REU site proposal funded. Thanks NSF!
- [2019-02] Mahdi’s paper on resource-efficient wearable computing accepted to BSN 2019.
- [2019-01] Yuchao’s CyclePro paper accepted for publication in IEEE Sensors Journal.
- [2018-11] LabelForest paper accepted to AAAI 2019 (acceptance rate 16.2%). Congratulations to Yuchao and the team!
- [2018-09] Congratulations to Yuchao on successfully defending her PhD dissertation. Dr. Ma will join Amazon.com, Inc. as an Applied Scientist in October 2018!
- [2018-08] Marjan to spend Fall 2018 as a graduate student intern at Bosch, Sunnyvale, CA!
- [2018-07] Our recent work published in Journal of Geriatric Oncology featured in WSU Insider.
- [2018-07] Our Plug-n-Learn paper listed as Featured Article of the IEEE TMC August 2018 Issue.
- [2018-07] Congratulations to Ramin on successfully defending his PhD dissertation. Dr. Fallahzadeh will join Stanford University as a Postdoctoral Fellow in August 2018!
- [2018-07] Congratulations to Ali on successfully defending his PhD dissertation. Dr. Rokni will join Yelp, Inc. as a Machine Learning Engineer in August 2018!
- [2018-06] Deontae Pharr, a former EMIL REU student, admitted to computer science masters program at Georgia State University.
- [2018-06] Ramin to join Stanford University as a Postdoctoral Fellow in Fall 2018.
- [2018-05] Our group received the National Science Foundation CAREER Award. Thanks NSF!
- [2018-05] CAREER Award in WSU News!
- [2018-05] Communication, Connection, and Engagement Award in WSU News!
- [2018-05] Our nutrition monitoring patent application allowed for issuance as a patent!
- [2018-05] Our paper on adaptive compressed sensing accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing (TMC).
- [2018-05] Parastoo to spend summer 2018 as a graduate student intern at Philips Research North America, Cambridge, MA!
- [2018-05] Niloofar to spend summer 2018 as a graduate student intern at Providence Digital Innovation Group, Seattle, WA!
- [2018-04] Ramin wins the Computer Science Best Graduate Student Researcher Award! Congratulations to Ramin for this recognition.
- [2018-04] Niloofar’s paper on mechanical ventilation accepted to EMBC 2018.
- [2018-04] Hassan wins the VCEA Outstanding Communication, Connection, and Engagement Award!
- [2018-04] Congratulations to Parastoo for receiving the WSU Graduate & Professional Student Association (GPSA) Award of Excellence for her contributions as a Teaching Assistant during the 2017-2018 academic year!
- [2018-03] Ramin’s paper on real-time power optimization of wearable motion sensors accepted for publication in ACM Transactions on Design Automation of Electronic Systems (TODAES).
- [2018-02] Hassan wins the EECS Early Career Award!
- [2018-02] Ali wins the Russ and Anne Fuller Fellowship for Interdisciplinary Research/Scholarship for the second time!
- [2018-02] Ramin wins the Russ and Anne Fuller Fellowship for Interdisciplinary Research/Scholarship.
- [2018-02] Ramin’s paper on Electronic Assessment of Physical Decline in Geriatric Cancer accepted for publication in Current Oncology Reports.
- [2018-02] Ramin’s paper on Digital Health for Geriatric Oncology accepted for publication in JCO Clinical Cancer Informatics (JCO CCI).
- [2018-01] Congratulations to Yuchao for being awarded NSF Supported 2018 IEEE Biomedical and Health Informatics and Wearable and Implantable Body Sensor Networks Conference (BSN) Student Travel Award!
- [2017-12] Ali’s paper on Autonomous Training of Activity Recognition Algorithms in Mobile Sensors accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing (TMC).
- [2017-12] Yuchao’s paper on Visual Field Assessment Using Head-Mounted Sensing Devices accepted to IEEE International Conference on Wearable and Implantable Body Sensor Networks (BSN) 2018.
- [2017-11] Ali’s paper on Personalized Activity Recognition Using ConvNets accepted as student abstract at 32nd AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence 2018 (AAAI-18)
- [2017-11] Hassan serving as Demo/Poster Co-Chair of the 15th IEEE International Conference on Ubiquitous Intelligence and Computing (UIC 2018).
- [2017-10] Our team attended Pullman Regional Hospital Innovation Summit 2017! Thanks to Niloofar for presenting her nutrition monitoring work at the event.
- [2017-09] Congratulations to Yuchao on passing her PhD Prelim Exam!
- [2017-08] Congratulations to Niloofar and Parastoo on passing their PhD Prelim Exam!
- [2017-07] Hassan serving as TPC Co-Chair for IEEE International Conference on Wearable and Implantable Body Sensor Networks (BSN) 2018
- [2017-06] Ramin’s cross-subject context learning paper accepted to the 36th IEEE/ACM International Conference On Computer Aided Design (ICCAD 2017)
- [2017-05] Niloofar’s nutrition monitoring paper accepted for publication in IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics (JBHI)
- [2017-05] Parastoo’s paper on assessing accuracy of activity trackers accepted for publication in Journal of Medical Internet Research (JMIR) mHealth and uHealth
- [2017-05] Congratulations to Mahdi on passing the Computer Engineering PhD Qualifying Exam!
- [2017-04] Congratulations to Parastoo on winning the School of EECS Outstanding TA Award in Computer Science!
- [2017-04] Congratulations to Ramin and Ali on passing their PhD Prelim Exam!
- [2017-04] Ali wins Russ and Anne Fuller Fellowship for Interdisciplinary Research/Scholarship. Congratulations to Ali on this recognition!
- [2017-03] Our work with Pullman Hospital featured in WSU news! More details available on PRH website.
- [2017-03] Ali wins Graduate & Professional Students Association (GPSA) Research Assistant Excellence Award. Congratulations to Ali on this recognition!
- [2017-03] Yuchao to spend Summer 2017 at Amazon as Applied Scientist intern. Congratulations to Yuchao on this great opportunity!
- [2017-02] Ali’s Power and Memory Efficient Activity Recognition paper accepted to the International Workshop on Energy-Aware Computing and Communication (ECC)
- [2017-02] Two demo abstracts (Ramin’s and Niloofar’s) and one poster abstract (Mahdi’s) accepted to IPSN 2017.
- [2017-01] Our team holds Mobile & Wearable Health Workshop at Yakima Valley Community College (YVCC), Yakima, WA, and Columbia Basin College (CBC), Pasco, WA.
- [2017-01] Hassan wins Pullman Regional Hospital Community Health Impact Fellowship
- [2017-01] Ali’s Synchronous Dynamic View Learning paper accepted to the ACM/IEEE International Conference on Information Processing in Sensor Networks (IPSN 2017) (Acceptance Rate:18%)
- [2016-12] Ramin’s cross-subject transfer learning paper accepted to the IEEE/ACM International Conference on Cyber-Physical Systems (ICCPS 2017)
- [2016-11] We have two papers (one long paper and one abstract) accepted to BODYNETS 2016.
- [2016-11] Ramin’s adaptive compressive sensing paper accepted to the IEEE/ACM Design, Automation and Test in Europe (DATE 2017)
- [2016-11] Yuchao’s tunnel vision assessment paper accepted to the IEEE/ACM Design, Automation and Test in Europe (DATE 2017)
- [2016-10] Our paper on predicting adherence to remote health monitoring technologies in patients with heart-failure accepted for publication in Technology and Healthcare Journal.
- [2016-09] Ramin’s context-aware system design paper accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing (TMC).
- [2016-09] Our multi-sensor fusion paper accepted for publication in Elsevier Information Fusion journal.
- [2016-08] Ramin’s low-power wearable sensing paper accepted to The 34th IEEE International Conference on Computer Design (ICCD 2016)
- [2016-07] Our project on medication adherence in heart failure funded by the NIH.
- [2016-07] Yuchao’s gait study in low vision accepted for publication in Elsevier Microprocessors and Microsystems Special Issue on Advanced Systems in Healthcare, Wellness and Personal Assistance (ASHWPA).
- [2016-07] Hassan serving on TPC of the 14th IEEE International Conference on Networking, Sensing and Control (ICNSC 2017).
- [2016-07] Hassan serving on TPC of the 6th International Workshop on Cloud Services and Web Technologies for Collaboration (CSWC 2016), as part of the International Conference on Collaboration Technologies and Systems (CTS 2016).
- [2016-06] Hassan elevated to Senior Member of the IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers).
- [2016-06] Our RettGait project mentioned in WSU HRS Department Spotlight Program featuring EECS.
- [2016-06] Yuchao’s gait pattern assessment paper has been accepted for publication in IEEE Sensors Journal (JSEN).
- [2016-06] Hassan serving as TPC Co-Chair of BodyNets 2016.
- [2016-06] Ali’s Sensor-Context Learning paper accepted to the IEEE/ACM International Conference On Computer Aided Design (ICCAD 2016)
- [2016-05] Niloofar’s nutrition monitoring paper accepted to the 38th IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society Conference (EMBC 2016)
- [2016-05] Yuchao’s asynchronous multi-view learning paper accepted to the 38th IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society Conference (EMBC 2016)
- [2016-05] Ramin’s remote edema monitoring paper accepted to the 38th IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society Conference (EMBC 2016)
- [2016-05] Congratulations to Niloofar for passing the Computer Science PhD Qualifying Exam (QE) and advancing to the AGS (Advanced Graduate Standing) status
- [2016-04] Hassan participating in GUMSHOE program.
- [2016-04] Ramyar’s power-aware uncertainty management paper accepted to ACM/IEEE ISLPED 2016.
- [2016-04] Our multi-view learning project funded by the NSF. The research aims to develop algorithms and tools for automatic reconfiguration of computational algorithms in wearables.
- [2016-03] Parastoo’s paper on reliable and self-adaptive MET estimation accepted for publication in IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing (IEEE J-STSP).
- [2016-03] Our RettGait project funded by RSRT (Rett Syndrome Research Trust). The pilot study aims to examine gait patterns in children with Rett syndrome
- [2016-03] Congratulations to Yuchao for winning Graduate and Professional Student Association (GPSA) Research Exposition Scholarship
- [2016-02] Ramin’s Energy-Aware Wearable System Design paper accepted to the Work-in-Progress Session of 53rd ACM/IEEE Design Automation Conference (DAC 2016)
- [2016-02] Ramyar’s Computational Reliability Model for Dynamically Evolving Human-Centered Monitoring paper accepted to the Work-in-Progress Session of 53rd ACM/IEEE Design Automation Conference (DAC 2016)
- [2016-02] Ali’s Plug-n-Learn paper accepted to the 53rd ACM/IEEE Design Automation Conference (DAC 2016)
- [2016-01] Ali to spend summer 2016 as a research intern at Samsung Research America.
- [2016-01] Our paper on “Hardware-Assisted Energy-Efficient Activity Recognition using Wearables” accepted for publication in ACM Transactions on Design Automation of Electronic Systems (TODAES)
- [2016-01] Congratulations to Ramyar for passing the Computer Engineering PhD Qualifying Exam (QE) and advancing to the AGS (Advanced Graduate Standing) status
- [2015-12] Congratulations to Ali for passing the Computer Science PhD Qualifying Exam (QE) and advancing to the AGS (Advanced Graduate Standing) status
- [2015-12] Our work featured by WSU News: Research center advances work on smart environments
- [2015-12] Our senior design team received runner-up award for the iREACH project. Congratulations to the senior design team members (Jeremy, Jacob, Kyle, and James) and student mentors (Ramyar and Ali).
- [2015-12] Hand-grip paper accepted for publication in Journal of Rehabilitation Research and Development (JRRD)
- [2015-11] Congratulations to Yuchao for passing the Computer Science PhD Qualifying Exam (QE) and advancing to the AGS (Advanced Graduate Standing) status
- [2015-11] Ramyar serves as TPC for SPWID 2016 conference.
- [2015-10] Ramin presented our SmartSock project at the 17th Annual National Institutes of Health (NIH) Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) and Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) Conference, 2015
- [2015-10] Niloofar’s paper on Medication Adherence Monitoring accepted to IEEE/ACM Design, Automation and Test in Europe (DATE) 2016.
- [2015-10] Our glaucoma research featured in WSU News, Science Newsline, MDT Magazine, Health Canal, Science Codex, Science Daily, Medical News Net.
- [2015-10] Our paper on “usability and acceptability of remote monitoring to manage heart failure” accepted for publication in Gerontology and Geriatric Medicine
- [2015-10] Hassan serving as Demo Chair of The 2nd IEEE International Conference on Smart Computing (SMARTCOMP 2016)
- [2015-09] Computer Science undergrad Sebastian Duboc joined EMIL as an LSAMP Scholar
- [2015-07] Yuchao is awarded a scholarship grant to attend the 2015 Grace Hopper Celebration of Women in Computing (GHC)
- [2015-07] Yuchao’s abstract paper on gait pattern identification in glaucoma patients accepted to ACM Wireless Health 2015 Conference
- [2015-06] Hassan serving on the TPC of IEEE International Workshop on Deriving Value from Big Data in Healthcare, in conjunction with The IEEE International Conference on Big Data (IEEE BigData 2015)
- [2015-06] Hassan serving on the TPC of International Conference on Smart Wearable Devices and IoT for Health and Wellbeing Applications (SWIT-Health 2015)
- [2015-05] Yuchao invited to give a talk at BSN Workshop: Automated Sensor Based Mobility Analysis for Disease Prevention and Treatment
- [2015-04] Hassan serving on the WSU LSAMP Faculty Advisory Board. The purpose of LSAMP (Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation) is to increase the recruitment, retention, and graduation rate of underrepresented students in the disciplines of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM).
- [2015-04] Yuchao’s paper on robust and platform-agnostic gait analysis accepted to 12th IEEE Body Sensor Networks conferencee 2015.
- [2015-04] Parastoo’s paper on node localization & MET calculation accepted to 12th IEEE Body Sensor Networks Conference 2015.
- [2015-03] Hassan invited to serve on the TPC of ACM Wireless Health 2015 Conference
- [2015-03] Hassan invited to attend 2015 NSF Early-Career Investigators Workshop on Cyber-Physical Systems in Smart Cities
- [2015-02] Ramin, Yuchao, and Ramyar awarded NSF PerCom 2015 Student Travel Grant.
- [2015-01] Yuchao serves as Web Chair for ACM Mobihoc MobileHealth 2015 workshop.
- [2015-01] ACM Mobihoc MobileHealth 2015 workshop submission opens.
- [2015-01] Yuchao’s paper on gait analysis for visual impaired accepted to IEEE PerCom PerMoby.
- [2015-01] Ramin’s paper on edema monitoring accepted to IEEE PerCom IQ2S workshop.
- [2014-12] Hassan invited to co-chair ACM Mobihoc MobileHealth 2015 workshop.
- [2014-09] Ramyar presented his paper on context-aware sensor localization at Asilomar 2014 in Pacific Grove, CA.
- [2014-11] Ramyar serves as TPC for SPWID 2015 conference.
- [2014-10] Drs. Masoud Daneshtalab and Azin Ebrahimi of KTH visited EMIL.
- [2014-10] Professor Giancarlo Fortino of University of Calabria visited EMIL.
- [2014-09] Ramyar presented his paper at UbiComp 2014 in Seattle.
- [2014-09] Ali and Parastoo received ACM Wireless Health 2014 Student Travel Grant.
- [2014-09] Ramyar received SmartHeakthSys Workshop in Ubicomp 2014 Student Travel Grant.
- [2014-09] Ramyar presented his paper at EMBC 2014 in Chicago, IL.
- [2014-09] ACM UbiComp SmartHealthSys workshop submission opens.
- [2014-10] Ramyar’s paper on Effects of node localization in activity recognition accepted to Asilomar 2014.
- [2014-08] Ramyar’s paper on cost sensitive feature selection for node localization accepted to UbiComp 2014 HASCA Workshop
- [2014-07] Ramyar’s paper on node localization accepted to IEEE EMBC 2014.
- [2014-09] Ramin Fallahzadeh joined EMIL as PhD student.
- [2014-08] Ali Rokni, Yuchao Ma, and Parastoo Alinia joined EMIL as new PhD students.
- [2014-05] Hassan delivered a tutorial on Wearable Computers at IEEE NOMS 2014 in Krakow, Poland.
- [2014-05] Our sensor localization project funded by WSU Office of Research through 2014 New Faculty Seed Grant Competition
- [2014-01] Embedded & Pervasive Systems Laboratory (EMIL) was established in January 2014 with two members, Hassan Ghasemzadeh (director) and Ramyar Saeedi (PhD student).