Iman Mirzadeh

Iman Mirzadeh

Graduate Alumni

Washington State University

Iman Mirzadeh, PhD, Computer Science (Artificial Intelligence), Washington State University (2018-2022).

Iman joined Apple as a Machine Learning Research Engineer in 2023.

PhD Dissertation: Alleviating Catastrophic Forgetting in Continual Learning.

(2021) Recipient of the NeurIPS 2021 Outstanding Reviewer Award given to the top 8% of the reviewers.
(2020) Recipient of the runner-up best paper award in CVPR Workshop on Continual Learning.
(2018) Received Fellowship for CS PhD program from Washington State University.

Professional Activities:
Conference Reviewer: NeurIPS (21-23), ICML (22-23), ICLR (22-23), AISTATS'22, AAAI'22
Journal Reviewer: Transactions on Machine Learning Research (TMLR) (2022), Journal of Machine Learning
Research (JMLR) (2022), IEEE Sensors Journal (2020), Springer Neural Processing Letters (2019)
